The Introduction

Warm greetings to anyone who happens to be reading my very first blog post.

I’d like to kick off my very first blog post by introducing myself, an ordinary 18 year old getting through university, one semester at a time. My name is Mujtaba Naqib but most of my friends refer to me as “Muji''. Very original, am I right? I am an undergraduate student here at IIUM doing my bachelor’s in computer science.  I don’t know how important it is for me to say this but I am a Malaysian-born Afghan and oddly enough, I find myself easing into every culture I’m thrown into. Call me easy-going?

I have got to be brutally honest with all of you reading this, I never saw myself being in a position where I would be thinking about what to write in my first blog post. Due to my extremely easy going nature that all of my close friends and family often describe me as, I find myself unable to openly talk about certain issues with the public. However, circumstances have changed, I found myself being extremely interested in sustainability and how important it is for us to actively look after our natural environment. So here I am attempting to share my ideas on how we can attain sustainability in the near future. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and that there is a chance where blogging could become a hobby of mine by the end of this semester.

Please join me on my journey of attaining sustainability. I would be thrilled to get your feedback on the topics I’ll discuss here.


  1. Nicee i would love to follow and join your journey

  2. Very good initiative Mujtaba Jan. Looking forward to your sustainability tips.

    1. Thanks! I really hope I can make a difference :)

  3. I would definitely follow in your journey. Unable to sustain our natural environment has caused major issues to us human beings and other living things.
    Especially for people like me living in small low-lying countries who are in risk of sinking.
    I believe your blog would make a difference!

  4. It was a pleasure studying with you at Cfs together for one year mate

  5. I'll definitely keep up with you throughout this journey!

    1. I will definitely try my best to keep you entertained with my blog posts!

  6. Hey Muji. This is KoKo! Definitely gonna follow you throughout this journey!

  7. hey muji! its najmi, definitely gonna keep up with your journey :)

  8. Replies
    1. I hope you will be with us till the end of this journey :)

  9. Replies
    1. You are amazing!!! I hope that this can be beneficial for the both of us

  10. looking forward for this amazing journey!!

  11. Let's go! Let's do something to better our Earth, and still leave a chance for me to live in Antarctica.

    1. hahahaha my pleasure to have you on board this journey!

  12. Mashallah, this is great! I'll gladly accompany you in your journey. I really look forward to your blog posts. Keep it up, bro!

    1. Thank you very much bro! Glad to have you on board!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Looks like I have something else I can look forward to every week from now on. Good luck

  15. People call you Muji but i call you MODJO! Mashahallah great to see you growing up , cant believe it. I still remember you as a newly born baby i held in my arms. Wishing you all the happiness and success in life. You are a sweetheart and i love you my little Modjo!

    1. Thank you so much Lala Jan! It gives me the utmost happiness to see you reading my blog post. I really hope to see you more on my Blogs inshallah! Love you Lala Jan

  16. Such a great first post, Br. Mujtaba (or should I call you Br. Muji too?). Well done! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I hope that you keep on blogging, not only for this UNGS 1201 course, but in your free time πŸ˜€

  17. Well done bro, Keep it up. -:)

  18. Liking this stuff so far. I am interested in how this goes dud. Sayhan


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