The Project

 Greetings to all!

A couple days ago, my group mates and I were discussing what we should do for our group project. Unfortunately due to the restrictions at the moment, we weren't able to meet up and discuss it over a cup of coffee. On top of that, we had to be a tad bit creative on how we could give back to the community with all these restrictions, therefore we decided that we should each individually focus on our local communities. 

Our group discussions went pretty smoothly in my opinion, we spent about an hour planning and deciding on what is to be done, how it is going to be done, and when will the project be commenced. We did of course have some clarifications we wanted to make before we proceed with our project, so we compiled a couple of questions to ask Dr.Izyani and alhamdulilah our beloved lecturer replied very quickly. The moment we got the reply, we started distributing the work evenly, and hopefully, everything goes on smoothly from here onwards. 

The reason as to why we chose a community service as our project is because when people engage in these types of events, it allows everyone in the community to become active members and this, in turn, has a positive impact on the local communities. Volunteerism enables the community to attain important knowledge regarding the importance of a cleaner and safer environment for us to live in, and that is something we want to instil in our communities so that it will last a lifetime.  

We hope that this event can show that when people come together and work as a team, it can help keep our environment and communities clean. The moment people in the communities realize that, only then will we start seeing a positive impact on our local communities.


  1. Good to hear that your group is managing all your challenges rather well! All the best in finalizing the proposal 😄


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