Growing a Better Life

Cordial salutations to all!

Nowadays, you’d have to be living under a rock to not know what Global Warming is and the impact it has left. Unfortunately, many people choose to turn a blind eye on it but it’s time we actually talk about it. Have you ever wondered how you can join in on the fight? The answer is achieving sustainability through our daily actions. Did you know that refrigerators are one of the largest household appliances which increases our carbon footprint? Now calm down, I am not saying to eliminate using refrigerators completely, we all need our cold drinks in this Asian heat. I’ve got better solutions to reduce our carbon footprint but we must collectively be willing to step up and do the bare minimum to help our planet.

I have a strong feeling that I am not alone when I say that I, too, am part of the problem. For instance, in the past year or so, I have used my car more often than using public transport. Please do not follow in my footsteps, I’m starting to really think deeply about my actions which is why I just topped up my RapidKL card, let’s take the bus home together guys?

Believe it or not, a typical car emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Think about it, imagine if the majority of us start using a form of public transport such as the bus or the train, our carbon footprint will fall drastically! The famous American author and journalist Michael Kevin Pollan once said, "A vegan in a Hummer has a lighter carbon footprint than a beef eater in a Prius." ~ Michael Pollan For those wondering what the American author is talking about, eating food contributes to about 10% - 30% of a household’s carbon footprint. A quick heads up to all of you, if you eat food then you are a part of the problem too. You must be thinking, “Muji, are you telling us to starve ourselves?” No no, I am a heavy eater myself. All I’m saying is that when we consume meat and dairy that come particularly from cows, it results in us increasing our carbon footprint. I bet this bit of information makes you think that it is impossible to reduce our carbon footprint. It really isn’t as hard as you think it is, your carbon footprint can be reduced if you consume less dairy and red meat. Hold your horses! It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go vegan. Take me for example, I tend to avoid eating red meat yet I still drink dairy products. I try my best to avoid increasing my carbon footprint by practicing moderation when it comes with food and so should you! To sum it up, If I’m going to drink a cow’s milk, I’ll spare it’s meat. Get it now?

Sadly, I really can’t say that I have done much in reducing my carbon footprint levels. However, I did not let that demotivate me from doing the tiny things like making sure the water isn’t running unnecessarily from the tap, making sure the lights are turned off when I leave my room and even making sure to use a metal straw rather than use a plastic straw, which actually makes my boba drink taste much better. It may not be an easy transition, however set yourself up to make progress even if it’s small.
Let’s get on the bus, turn off the lights and use metal straws guys?


  1. out of the box πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  2. amazing sharing ������

  3. amazing sharing πŸ€©πŸ‘πŸ»

  4. I love your point of view on this! I do think sustainability is something we should pay more attention to and with that being said, I truly enjoy how you managed to incorporate humour and a friendly tone in your writing which makes this whole idea exciting but at the same time maintaining the gravity of your message! Also, I love how you highlighted the tiny examples of things we do every day such as allowing water to run unnecessarily, not switching off the lights etc because those are the small things that actually make a huge impact, yet we fail to address. Looking forward to learning more :)

    1. I have never felt more happy reading a comment on my blog πŸ₯Ί❤️ People like you are the reason why I put passion into this

  5. Mashaallah really amazing article.
    Best of luck

  6. Keep up the good work brother

  7. You are my motivation Saju Jan ❤️

  8. Very well articulated, straightforward and to the point. We should all do our parts to save mother earthπŸ™Œ.

    1. Hope to see more of you my friend! Thanks πŸ«‚

  9. Finally someone said about this! Well done muji! I’m looking forward for your next topics soon ✨✨

  10. Mashallah, very well written, bro! Love your writing style. Keep it up, man!

    A small thing I try to do to help fight global warming, is gardening, even if its just one small plant on my window sill πŸ˜‚... Cuz, hey, if everyone in the world took care of just one little plant each, that's 8 billion more plants! And that's a BIG difference!

    1. Exactly!!! The small tiny things always add up to make the biggest difference

  11. I'm heading out to get my metal straw right now. Fantastic article.

    1. Your drinks are definitely going to taste much better now

  12. Yooo yess thanks for talking abt this rlly, Global warming is dead serious but we don't always talk abt it smh. Useful and well written ngl

  13. Amazing writting!
    Love how you brought up this topic up. It's the little things that matters the most. We all should fulfil our duty!

    Also you're a heavy eater couldn't agree more on that

  14. Wow, your blog has inspired me to do better and put more effort in preventing global warming. We've actually started a recycling movement within our community. Tho it's small, its something!


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