Problems We Solved

 Greetings to all!

Even though my group mates and I could not meet up, having those virtual meetings was just as effective as meeting in person for discussions. As mentioned in my previous blog, one of our main issues was how we could prepare our project video when we have all these restrictions stopping us. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that these covid restrictions are in place because all of us want our loved ones to be safe. 

Lucky for us, the inquiries that we had for our project were quickly answered by our beloved Madam Izyani. This quick response basically wiped out most of the difficulties we had faced and for that we are thankful.

However there was still one problem that we faced, what about the locations? Well, let's just say we figured it out. We decided that since we can’t meet up, we would instead take a video of friends and families that are keeping our local communities clean. For instance, I would be taking a video of my siblings and myself cleaning up our apartment. On top of that, we decided that we could add any extras such as putting up posters so that awareness is spread on this issue. 

At the end of the day, we managed to overcome the problems we’ve had and are now planning further on what we can implement in our upcoming video submission. We hope that our video can spread awareness not only in Malaysia but throughout the whole world. 

Remember, teamwork makes the dream work! 


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